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Mantra Jewellery is Exhibiting at The Best You Expo

Posted: by Jo Tuesday, 13 February 2018 @ 16:09

We are delighted to be taking Mantra to The Best You Expo, at London Olympia, on Friday 16th and Saturday 17th February.

The Best You is an incredible event in the field of personal development, to help you find ideas, solutions and tools to encourage you to be your best self. It has over 150 speakers and 300 exhibitors, packed full of ideas around personal growth, health, wealth, fitness, entrepreneurship, creativity and wellbeing.

The reason we are taking Mantra there is because our jewellery is also all about inspiring you to be your best self.

Each piece of jewellery represents a mantra, or positive phrase, to say to yourself throughout the day, to keep you motivated and inspired, or to remind you of something you want to change in your mindset, attitude or behaviour.

We are taking along all of our necklaces which relate to Happiness, Wellbeing, Self-belief, Inspiration and Direction, as well as our bespoke ‘My Mantra’ collection. There will be event offers, so come and see us on stand A37.

In addition, I am running a workshop on Saturday 17th February, at 11am – to help you create your own mantras. You might want a mantra to help you overcome something in your life right now; or a mantra for your whole life. Come to our inspiring workshop, to discover tools and techniques to create powerful and personal mantras.

We will also be taking our engraving machine with us, so you can leave with a personalised ‘My Mantra’ necklace, with your own message - at 15% off.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Mantra Jewellery at ‘The Best You’ Expo – what a great event!

Mantra Jewellery at the Best You Expo 2018



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