Posted: by Jo Wednesday, 21 February 2018 @ 10:19

We were thrilled with our two days at ‘The
Best You’ Expo last week.
We met some incredible people over the course
of two days. Some had gone to the event seeking a new start after a difficult
time in their lives; others wanted inspiration for a new project; others simply
come to events like this to keep themselves open to innovative ideas and
different approaches to life.
We were giving out positive mantras from our
jars, as we always do at events. This simple way of connecting with people
leads to so many deep conversations, wonderful encounters, and collaborative
We took our ‘Inspiration and Self-belief’
collection, and our ‘Happiness and Wellbeing’ pieces. The most popular designs
at the event proved to be those around direction in life and living your dreams
- the North Star, Compass and Dreamcatcher were all frequent purchases, with
their inspiring mantras about finding your way in life and living your dreams.

Courage and bravery were also well-loved
themes, along with self-belief - with the Plume Feather celebrating ‘She who is
brave is free’, and the ‘Believe’ bar with its empowering, ‘Anything is
possible, if you believe’ mantra, proving especially popular.
As a team, we can completely agree with the
bravery message: all four of us took turns to hold a large tarantula, who was on
one of the other exhibition stands. I have been terrified of spiders all my
life, so never believed I would hold such a scary creature in my hands! But she
was beautiful, and very fluffy - so I faced my fear, and held her for several
minutes. I am optimistic that this will have helped me overcome my terror, next
time I see a spider – I’ll let you know!
At the Expo, we also ran a workshop on finding
or creating your own personal mantra. This was a very enjoyable event, with an
engaged audience and some really interesting follow-up questions. Our ‘My
Mantra’ necklaces proved very popular over the two days, with many people loving
the chance to have their own mantra engraved on them.
So, if you haven’t attended a show like this
before - all about self-development and personal growth - I would highly
recommend it. We are taking Mantra to ‘The Mindful Living Show’ in Islington
next, in early June - I hope we see you there!