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Be my most grateful self

Posted: by Jo Thursday, 23 February 2017 @ 10:21

So, how did you get on in February, being your most loving self? Personally, I found it easy to show love to my husband, by looking for small ways to demonstrate how I feel – because this comes naturally to me. And I took the time to plan things for myself, to give me a boost – booking a couple of exhibitions at the Tate, for example, and taking a friend on a Wellness Day.

But going out of my way to feel love for strangers was much harder. I am a person who can jump to conclusions easily, and make judgements – so I deliberately wore my ‘Love’ mantra necklace as many days as I could in February, to remind me to be more accepting, tolerant and loving. It is still something I need to work on – so I would say this is a practice I definitely need to take forwards through the rest of the year, to make it stick.

March’s focus is all about APPRECIATION

– recognising what we have to be grateful for, and demonstrating it.

I am a big fan of Tony Robbins, the motivational guru who seems genuinely able to turn people’s lives around by making them believe in themselves and what they can achieve. One of the very powerful daily ‘rituals’ he recommends is spending a good amount of time every day to really appreciate what you have, and allowing yourself to feel a real depth of gratitude for it.

Personally, I find doing this while driving is a great way of focusing my mind, as I spend a lot of time in my car on my own. Tony Robbins’ spiral approach - start with yourself, then your partner, then your family and friends, spiralling outwards from there - is an easy pattern to follow.

And taking the time to really dwell on how much we each have really does make you appreciate your life much more, and not take things for granted. When you really think about all that you have – your health, a roof over your head, a job you enjoy, a loving partner, your fitness, security, family, good friends, and so much more – it really does make your re-evaluate your reactions to the small irritations of life.

And it makes me more determined to thank the people in my life who make a real difference to me; to stop taking them for granted; and to see what more I can do to help them.

Now, your turn. Make a plan of what you are going to commit to this month to be a more grateful and appreciative version of you. Work out what might stop you; and create some actions to overcome any hurdles.Let us know how you get on, and share your stories with us on Facebook and Twitter.

Download your March planner here, and read our other APPRECIATION blogs here. Tell someone often this month: You are the reason I am smiling today!


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