
Meet the Team, Pallavi Prasad

Believe NecklaceName: Pallavi Prasad

Position: Digital Marketing and E-commerce Manager 

Favourite Mantra: When you want something from all your heart, the whole universe conspires in helping you achieve it.

What’s on your myMantra? ‘Believe' - I am hugely influenced by 'The Secret', a book by Rhonda Byrne. My mantra is a reminder that our thoughts have the power to attract everything we believe we can achieve. Giving them right direction can make 'dreams come true' every day!

How do you relax? Watering my plants, walking barefoot on the grass, lying under a tree are therapeutic to me. They always bring me down to earth. I have got so many plants at home!

Dream holiday destination: Petra! I want to visit this wonder of the world on a camel ride and then relax in the Dead Sea...

I’m at my happiest: When my little daughter smiles... It's just so priceless.

Guilty pleasure: Dark chocolate! When it comes to having dark chocolate, it's quality 'me' time.

If you could give your young self some advice…Relax, slow down and live this moment as if there is no tomorrow.

What does Mantra mean to you? ‘However brightly a piece of coal may be burning, it will soon burn out if you remove it from the flames. However intelligent a man may be, he will soon lose his warmth and his flame if he distances himself from his fellow man' - Paulo Coelho. For me, a mantra is a reminder of who I am, who I want to be and to make a conscious effort to constantly improve myself to be a better human being every day.


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