
Meet the Team, Anna

Name: Anna Burkett

Position: Product Manager

Favourite Mantra: Life doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful

What’s on your myMantra? ‘Be brave with your life’ - It's a reminder everyday that I am ultimately the master of my own destiny (another mantra!).  It's so easy to simply move along everyday and then look back and only then realise how much time or opportunities have passed by. I am definitely guilty of doing this so this was the perfect mantra for me!

How do you relax? Reading – It allows me to get caught up in a different reality for a while

Dream holiday destination: Italy - Florence in particular; I have always been obsessed with Italy and I think Florence is such a stunning city; I am captivated by the history, art and architecture

I’m at my happiest: When I’m catching up with friends and/or family, it's often difficult to orchestrate catch ups but totally worth it when they come together.  Nothing beats a good chat and I love how relaxed and normal it is, no matter how long has passed since the last time we all saw each other

Guilty pleasure: Netflix, I can easily waste an entire day engrossed in a good (or bad) teenage American boxset

If you could give your young self some advice…Don't worry ... It's going to be okay! It's so easy to get caught up in things that seem so big that you actually miss the beauty of others; worrying too much can often create problems that weren't even there in the first place!

What does mantra mean to you? Mantra to me is a gentle reminder to live. It's amazing how a few simple words can not only make you feel invincible but really give you peace.  We only get one chance at life ... and although that is quite daunting mantra reminds me to not be too hard on myself; it gets me to take a step back and simply reflect

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