
Announcing our new collaboration – Julie Montagu

At Mantra, we love collaborating with like-minded people to create exciting new designs. And we’re very excited to be working with a genuinely inspirational lady - Julie Montagu. Julie is an absolute powerhouse, with an incredibly busy life as yoga teacher, nutritionist, bestselling author, holistic teacher, Royal Wedding presenter, face of a natural beauty brand, and mum of four. Julie was also recently named one of the Top 10 worldwide ‘Holistic Health Icons’, alongside Ella Woodward, Gabrielle Bernstein and more.

Julie Montagu - yoga teacher, nutritionist, bestselling author, holistic teacher, Royal Wedding presenter  Jo Stroud from Mantra Jewellery with Julie Montagu

Julie has designed two Mantra necklaces with us: 'Recharge' and 'Hero'. The first 20 people to order each get a card signed by Julie herself.


Julie Montagu Recharge Necklace  Julie Montagu collaboration with Mantra Jewellery  Julie Montagu Recharge Necklace for Mantra Jewellery


Julie's latest book, ‘Recharge’, puts self-care at the heart of caring for others. Her belief and experience are, that we must invest in our own wellbeing, in order to have the energy and ability to care for others.

Julie’s mantra is ‘Recharge my body, and reclaim my self’. Her design has her beautiful mandala logo engraved and then cast onto the front. A mandala represents wholeness and completeness, and symbolises your place in the universe. Feel whole, connected and complete, wearing this beautiful mandala, and bringing its message of recharging yourself to mind.

The necklace comes in Sterling Silver, or 18ct Rose or Yellow Gold-plated.


Julie Montagu Hero Necklace  Julie Montagu Collaboration with Mantra  Julie Montagu Hero Necklace for Mantra Jewellery


Our second collaboration with Julie is her ‘Hero’ Necklace, with the word ‘hero’ engraved above our iconic lotus symbol.

The mantra, which is very personal to Julie, reminds us that there are times in life when we need to step up and be our own heroes: ’She needed a hero, so that's what she became’. 

Wearing a piece of Mantra Jewellery is intended as a way of reminding ourselves of an important message - some words of wisdom that we need to remember when busy or stressed. Take hold of your necklace from time to time through the day, and repeat the mantra to yourself - to remind yourself that you are braver than you think.

The necklace comes in Sterling Silver, or 18ct Rose or Yellow Gold-plated.

A limited number of each necklace is now available in our pre-launch, before their official launch. The first 20 people to order each get a signed Julie Montagu card with their necklace!

Buy 'Recharge' or 'Hero' now.

Julie Montagu signing Mantra Necklaces  Julie Montagu with Team Mantra Jewellery



Gallery Images

Collaboration with Julie Montagu - Mandala 'Recharge' Necklace
Julie Montagu Collaboration with Mantra Jewellery
Julie Montagu necklaces from Mantra Jewellery
Team Mantra with Julie Montagu
Click on an image for a larger view.


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