Posted: by Jo Friday, 23 June 2017 @ 14:32
Often in our lives, it is too easy to get so caught up in the day-to-day, that we forget we once had hopes, dreams, ambitions. We live our lives, sometimes happy, sometimes sad, always busy - without remembering we once had bigger, or different, plans.
The mantra, 'Dare to dream', is a call-to-action to all of us, to think bigger, or wider, or deeper. A reminder to do more than simply exist in our lives. A plea not to settle for what we are doing now, if it isn't what we want. A cry from the heart, to use our imaginations, our spirits and our souls, to lift us out of the daily routine, to see a vision of how we would like our lives to be.
The symbol of the dreamcatcher comes from Native American culture, where elaborately woven nets of cord, wood and feather were hung above the sleeper, to catch bad dreams, and let only the good ones in. This seemed the perfect symbol to design our necklace around, to represent 'Dare to dream', as it reminds us that we will be kept safe from the bad dreams, allowing only good ones to take root in our hearts and minds.
Wear this mantra to remind yourself of the opportunities out there in the world and inside yourself, or gift it to someone who needs encouragement and inspiration.