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The Story behind the Mantra: New 'All-seeing Eye' myMantra Necklace

Posted: by Jo Tuesday, 25 January 2022 @ 12:04

We have just launched a brand new personalisable ‘myMantra’ design

It is a beautiful disc pendant with a highly ornate Eye cast onto the front, with rays of light shining out above the eye, and a lotus mandala pattern below. It features the All-seeing Eye, or Eye of Providence, representing clarity of vision, guidance and illumination.


myMantra All Seeing Eye


Why launch a new myMantra?

We were very keen to create a new design of myMantra that was perfect for a new direction in life, or a prompt to help you change your mood or mindset.

Many of us have struggled with our mindset, post-lockdowns; and more still are itching for a new approach to their lives, or craving some kind of re-fresh, or re-boot to life.

myMantra All Seeing Eye

Writing a mantra for yourself, to encapsulate this new start; or choosing a compelling phrase or quote from an author you love, or a motivational writer you follow, can give you the impetus you need to kickstart a change in mindset.

And, having this engraved on a necklace with a powerful design that fits with your intention, can strengthen your determination.


What is behind the design?

Our All-seeing Eye design represents vision, clarity and guidance – helping you to clearly visualise your future, and see a distinct way forward in your life.

We have designed an ornate eye with sun rays shining out above it, and a crescent moon at its centre. These two symbols of light – the sun and the moon – show that the eye can see clearly at all times, even in the dark of night, guiding you on a clear path to your future.

Light also represents spiritual illumination, as well as physical illumination, as you become more aware of the path you want to take going forwards.

myMantra All Seeing Eye

The All-seeing Eye has been a part of many religious and secular traditions over the centuries, from Egyptian mythology’s Eye of Horus; to our Christian God being all-seeing and all-powerful; to Hinduism’s Third Eye of Shiva; to the belief in the hand and eye of Providence guiding us, whether we see that as fate, the universe, or a higher being.

The Lotus pattern beneath the eye represents the ability of the Lotus Flower to arise afresh through muddy waters each morning, appearing clean and pure despite the mud. It doesn’t matter how dirty the water or how much mud surrounds it – the Lotus emerges pure and fresh. It brings to mind fresh starts and new beginnings.


What to engrave on the reverse?

The reverse is left blank for your engraving. Choose a mantra or affirmation to engrave that is personal to you (up to 4 lines, or 52 characters).

We recommend that you choose a phrase to have engraved that is powerful, personal and emotive – words of wisdom to bring to mind when you need them; or a celebration of your personal beliefs and values.

All Seeing Eye myMantra

Every philosophy of positive thinking, manifesting, or the law of attraction, includes a belief in the absolute power of affirmations, to help overcome limiting beliefs and change your mindset; or to help you manifest what you want in life.

It could be a phrase you have written yourself, that encapsulates what you want for the next stage of your life; an affirmation from a favourite writer, like Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Gabby Bernstein or Tony Robbins; a quote from The Secret, A Course in Miracles, Manifest, or other favourite book; or a piece of advice you have been given.

Use your inspiring phrase when you need a push of motivation, or a reminder of your vision for the next stage of your life.

If you need some inspiration, here are some ideas.


How a mantra can help

Last year, I was determined to remind myself that only I have the power to create what I want in life – no one else. It is within my gift to seek to craft my life to be more like how I imagine it could be – rather than accepting how it is.

With this is mind, I had part of a Thoreau quote engraved on a myMantra necklace, to remind me that I have the power to change things in my life:

‘Live the life I have imagined’

For example, I have always hankered after building more outdoor activity into my life, to encourage me to get fitter; but also, I have wanted more exposure to the wildness of the natural world, to give me a complete contrast to everyday office life and too much screen-time.

So, my husband and I decided last year to spend more time in the Lake District – where I have family, and where we got married. Over the last 9 months, we have climbed Helvellyn, the Old Man of Coniston, Loughrigg, Silver Howe and many more Wainwrights; hiked around much of Ullswater, Windemere and Grasmere; visited waterfalls and caves; seen red squirrels; and picnicked by a few lakes.

It has massively improved my fitness levels; given me moments of real achievement (scrambling up Striding Edge!), and real joy (the views from the top of almost any fell); and opened up a whole world that I had forgotten about. That mantra – ‘Live the life I have imagined’ – was what prompted me to take action. What will you have engraved on your new All-seeing Eye?

View the necklace here now

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