Posted: Tuesday, 4 May 2021 @ 12:58
of our Summer 2021 collection, we started working on this design as the roadmap
out of lockdown was announced, and the vaccination programme was getting
of the key themes that has become apparent from the global pandemic has been a
desire to not miss out on life, or waste time. We have all learnt, more powerfully
than ever, that one never knows what is around the corner.
of the many heart-breaking things about the thousands of premature deaths due
to the pandemic has been the sense of lost potential, and lives cut short with
so many things not yet done.
can wait until we feel ready to do something – but often, we are really just
procrastinating. We can put things off until we have more time, more money,
more training, or more expertise – or we can make a start now.
sense of ‘carpe diem’ – seizing the moment, seizing the day – resonates now
with many of us, even more than it did before.
mantra, ‘If not now, when?’ tries
to capture this sense of taking action immediately, not wasting a moment. We
can’t change much of what happens to us in life – but we can seek to make the
most of the life we have, and aim to live without regrets for things not done.

asks you to ask yourself – if I don’t do this thing now, then when am I going
to do it?
bringing this to life as a design, we wanted it to be a gentle reminder, not a
shout. Mantra isn’t about lecturing people to take action, or forcing them to
change their mindset: it is more of a gentle but effective nudge.
a sailing boat came to mind, when we considered the design for this piece.
analogy of sailing off into the sunset is a metaphor for a happy ending – a bit
like cowboys riding off into the sunset at the end of a Western. It is
shorthand for the fairy tale ending we all want in life.
me, it gently hints at living your dreams, as you leave the mundane realities
of life behind and sail off into a magical world of calm seas and endless
the idea of that happy place nudge you into action.
you need a daily reminder to stop procrastinating in all areas of your life, or
whether there is one big dream you could be taking steps towards – hold onto
your necklace and ask yourself, ‘If not now, when?’
the ‘If not now, when?’ Sailing Boat mantra if you personally need to be
spurred on to take action; or to give a friend that gentle reminder that she
needs, to stop making excuses; or when you need a boost to your energy,
enthusiasm or activity levels, to seize the moment and create the life you