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Smart Works New Patron: HRH Duchess of Sussex

Posted: Friday, 11 January 2019 @ 16:12

We are delighted to hear that HRH The Duchess of Sussex is to become the patron of Smart Works, a charity that we supported with our ‘Believe’ Necklace in 2017 and 2018. Although our collaboration has now ended, we continue to love what this charity does.

Smart Works welcomed The Duchess to meet clients and volunteers at their London office. She heard their stories, dressed two clients and coached a client to help her start her own business. Whilst she was there, The Duchess said:

“It’s not just donating your clothes and seeing where they land, it is about being part of each other’s success stories as women.”

Smart Works are passionate about helping women be the best that they can be. As a global campaigner for women and their rights worldwide, The Duchess will shine a light on Smart Works, enabling more women to come to their centres and get the job that will transform their lives. The Duchess said of Smart Works that “as a woman, [having] so many other women believing in you is the piece that makes it so special.”

Juliet Hughes-Hallett, Chair and Founder of Smart Works, said:

“Smart Works is thrilled to announce that The Duchess of Sussex will become the Royal Patron of Smart Works. An acknowledged champion of women and their rights worldwide, The Duchess will motivate ever more women to come to our centres and get the job that will transform their lives. The Duchess’s patronage will inspire the women we serve and help them reach for the stars.”

“We have been honoured to welcome The Duchess to our West London centre and see her engage with our clients and volunteers. Her empathy and insight were obvious. The Duchess is a natural coach and our clients were inspired and helped by her.”

Smart Works provides high quality interview clothes, styling advice and interview training to women in need, helping them gain confidence and find employment. Many of the women Smart Works work with have been unemployed for over a year. 60% of Smart Works clients go on to get the job!

Mantra used to support Smart Works by donating 25% of the sale of each of our 'Believe' necklaces to help fund their amazing work. This collaboration has now ended.

believe necklace



Photo copyright https://www.royal.uk/


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