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Smart Works Case Study - Making a difference through Charity Necklaces

Posted: by Pallavi Tuesday, 9 January 2018 @ 09:42

Our charity collaboration with UK charity, Smart Works, has now come to an end, but we continue to love what they do to promote and support female self-belief in the workplace.

Smart Works provides high quality interview clothes, styling advice and interview training to women in need. 

Mantra Jewellery supports Smart Works Charity

To bring this to life, we wanted to share a recent, wonderful client story. Mary had been unemployed for almost a year when she came to Smart Works. Following her visit, Mary was successful in her interview and began her new role. We hope Mary’s Case Study brings to life the impact that great clothes and good advice can have on a woman’s confidence in her ability to succeed. 

Client case study: Mary

Smart Woks helps Mary

August 2017             

Mary was one of the last clients to visit us in July 2017 and one of our first to come back for her Second Dressing in August. She had been unemployed for almost a year and although had succeeded in getting through to the interview stage for a couple of applications, she had not been successful in getting the job. Prior to visiting Smart Works, she found the whole process of finding a job daunting and had numerous questions about the application process.

“Before I came to Smart Works, I had no idea that this service was available. I found the whole process of looking for work very stressful with so many things to worry about: Where do I start at my age, what type of jobs, what do I say in the interviews and what do I wear on the day of the interview to give off a good impression to employers?” 

Mary was referred to us by her adviser Mark from MI ComputSolutions. 

“I was referred by Mark and I came down to Smart Works and I must say it wasn’t what I was expecting. The office is bright and the staff are very welcoming. Then after the fitting I had a lovely chat with an advisor who conducted a mock interview with me, gave me great feedback and helped me construct my plans for my big day.”

Our volunteer team prepared Mary for her interview the next morning and by that afternoon she had already heard that she had been offered the job.

“I would say pay Smart Works a visit. The office was very pleasant, the staff were polite and helpful and I was at ease from the very beginning. They are very professional at what they do and I was treated with respect. Overall it was a five star experience and if you visit, you will leave feeling a million dollars. I did, and I got my job the next day.”

Feel inspired? To support this wonderful charity, we have created a disc pendant with the empowering mantra, 'Believe in yourself. We do’.

Carrying the powerful word, 'Believe', to represent the full mantra, and with our lotus symbol below it, the disc necklace is £45 in Sterling Silver and £65 in Yellow and Rose Gold plating.

In 2018 and 2017, we donated 25% of the sale of each 'Believe' necklace directly to Smart Works.


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