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Q&A with Timea Carlo, Meaningful Mornings

Posted: by Sinade Tuesday, 13 December 2022 @ 10:37

This month Sinade caught up with the creator of ‘Meaningful Mornings’, Timea Carlo. Timea reached out to us late in 2022 to include Mantra in her ‘Most Meaningful Christmas Gift Guide’. The two brands blend beautifully together so we were keen to find out more about how Timea's morning programmes can help you feel happier and live healthier...

Meaningful MorningsTimea Carlo, Meaningful Mornings

Sinade: We were so happy to be included in your recent Gift Guide, what was it that drew you to Mantra?

Timea: I was already a fan of your brand because it combines my two favourite things: positive uplifting messages and pretty jewellery. I also have one of your necklaces and it’s my favourite piece of jewellery, so I have been hoping we would be able to collaborate in some way one day.

Julie Montagu x Mantra

With the creation of the Meaningful Gift Guide, I was looking for a way to add value and provide a platform to showcase soul-centred businesses and share them with our audience.

Meaningful Mornings Christmas Gift Guide


Sinade: It sounds like you understand exactly what we’re trying to achieve here at Mantra, combining the power of words with the beauty of jewellery!

Tell me a little about Meaningful Mornings...

Timea: The company was established in August 2021, we are a health and wellbeing consultancy currently offering workshops, online courses and one-to-one sessions. We specialise in creating obsession worthy morning routines for people who perhaps need more energy, want to wake up feeling excited about the day ahead, invite structure into their lives, feel happier and live healthier.

Now that the world is opening up again, we are looking to organise in-person events and attend wellbeing festivals, while also continuing to grow our online presence with the creation of an online wellbeing membership site.


Sinade: What was it that prompted you to start this amazing company, in 2021?

Timea: Branching out from the traditional Personal Trainer and gym environment, I had become drawn towards wellbeing and mindfulness during the pandemic and felt a calling to create a space where people can come to simply feel better. A place where it’s possible to make a few simple changes to our schedule and experience the positive ripple effect that can have in all areas of our lives.

Most of us are busy and it can be difficult to carve time out for ourselves once the day has started.

'Meaningful Mornings’ mission is to showcase morning routines as simple yet transformative tools, which enable us take care of ourselves before we go out there to take care of everyone and everything else.’


Sinade: Did you plan, when you set out in your career, that this is what you would be doing?

Timea: Absolutely not! I have a degree in History and was on course to become a history teacher. I didn’t feel that the traditional school environment was necessarily the best place for me to thrive, so I have set out to pursue a corporate career instead, learning a ton of useful skills.

I have always loved exercise and have been very active – sitting by the desk is a struggle for me. So eventually I decided to follow my natural passions for health and fitness and turn that into a meaningful business.


Sinade: If this blog has inspired our readers to make a change to their mornings in 2023, what do they need to do?

Timea: Work with me! Today we are very fortunate that we have access to an endless amount of information online and can learn a lot by ourselves. There are many articles and videos about morning routines available on the internet for free, which can be a great starting point. I would suggest asking yourself the question: What do I need more of in my life?

Flourish Necklace

And search specifically for that. For example, if you need more mindfulness, then search for “morning routines for mindfulness” This can help navigate through all the information that’s out there.

Our approach is very personalised and unique, because we understand that everyone has a completely different set of needs and preferences. So, if you’re after a plan that has been designed specifically to suit your lifestyle and works perfectly in line with your own unique goals and dreams, then definitely reach out via our website or Instagram.


Sinade: What do you hope to achieve with Meaningful Mornings in 2023?

Timea: Be present at a few wellbeing festivals and host some in-person workshops too. We have met many amazing clients online since starting out and now looking forward to creating in-person connections and experiences. In the second half of the year, we are also planning to launch our membership site, which will be a complete wellbeing hub offering workshops with various health and wellness experts, yoga classes, meditations and a huge number of resources for all things wellbeing.


Sinade: We can’t wait to see you pop up at some of our favourite events! Finally, do you have a mantra, or positive phrase, that you live your life by?

Timea: Yes! I love “Everything I need is already within me” – a mantra from one of your necklaces. I occasionally like to buy myself gifts after completing complex projects and this necklace is most likely going to be the next thing I reward myself with after delivering my next workshop!

Everything I need Necklace

 I also often use “All is well in my world” at times when I feel anxious because it helps soothe my restless mind.

Monthly Competition

In January we’re giving you the opportunity to win a Meaningful Mornings planner to help you make the most out of the new year. Along with a Sterling Silver ‘Ornate Lotus myMantra Necklace’ engraved with your personal mantra for 2023!

Mantra Ornate Lotus Necklace and Planner

Check our competitions page to find out more!

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