Posted: by Pallavi Friday, 6 October 2017 @ 11:38

Earlier this month, we caught up with
Tallulah Lawson-Cresswell, Fundraising Officer
for Bullying UK, part of Family Lives. We are collaborating with Bullying UK on
a new kindness necklace, launching in November.
Tell us
a bit about Family Lives and what the charity does?
Family Lives works to improve the lives of
children and their families. We support thousands of families with a wide
variety of issues through our helpline, online and in person. We provide online
advice and support to over 2 million users through our websites and online
Bullying UK, part of Family Lives, provides
anti-bullying support and advice all year round to anyone affected by
bullying. Bullying can happen anywhere,
and to anyone. No matter who you are or
what you’re going through, Bullying UK is here for you.
Bullying can have a serious impact on
self-esteem, education and mental health, with the effects lasting for
years. We provide a confidential
helpline for young people and adults, advice and support through our website
and forums, and deliver training in schools and workplaces.
And what about your role -
what are your main responsibilities?
I’m one of two fundraising officers. I support and encourage all the amazing
people who raise money for us, whether it’s by being a Bullying UK Champion,
running for us, or holding a Wear Blue Day.
I also organise fundraising events, build
relationships with our brilliant corporate supporters, and write funding
applications. I love my job as I spend a lot of time talking to inspiring
people, with amazing stories.
prompted you to join the charity?
I believe in Family Lives’ mission that every
family should have free, non-judgemental support whenever they need it. When I
joined, I was impressed by the culture of working together as a team, without
hierarchy, to produce the best result for our beneficiaries. Every single
person, from the people in our IT team to our outreach workers and our hundreds
of volunteers, are committed to supporting families and making a difference to
people’s lives.
is a key focus for Family Lives, through the Bullying UK part of the charity:
is this a cause that is close to your heart?
Yes, very much so. Everyone has experienced
bullying at some point in their lives, and I am no exception. I was bullied in
a previous job and it was a very low point in my life. There was a complete
lack of understanding amongst the management of the organisation of how to
deal with it. I was lucky to have brilliant friends there, and strong support
from my family, which gave me the strength I needed. It’s only years later that
I realise it was bullying, and I think that is a common issue in our society-
that we mistakenly think we should accept bad behavior from others who are in
a position of power over us.
As an
organisation, you encourage people to make positive choices, and to act in a
kind and compassionate way. Are these values important to you?
Yes, very much so. We can all be happier if
we act with more consideration towards others. I like this quote, “Be kind, for
everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle”.
You never know what someone else is going through. This doesn’t just go
for someone being bullied, but also those who bully. What has led them to make
that choice? With more compassion and understanding for everyone affected by
bullying, we can make a huge impact.
When you choose to be kind, you make a massively positive difference to
that person’s day, and to your own.
How do you
think creating this 'Be Kind' necklace with Mantra Jewellery can help bring
attention to bullying, and encourage people to take action?
Mantra Jewellery’s beautiful necklace is helping
us to spread our message to choose kindness, and stand up to bullying. By
wearing the necklace you are encouraging everyone who sees you to be kind and
make positive choices about how to behave towards others. Being kind to others can quietly give someone strength and confidence when
they are in most need of it. The more of us who choose kindness, the more we
can stand up to bullying.
necklace you have collaborated on with Mantra Jewellery represents the mantra,
'In my words, thoughts and actions, I choose kindness' - do you personally have
a mantra or phrase that inspires and guides you?
Be happy. Take time out of your day to do
something that makes you happy, even if it’s just going for a walk to look at
the flowers, feel the sun on your face and breathe some fresh air. It inspires
me every day to be kind to myself.
you aren't at work - how do you enjoy spending your time? And what do you do to
switch off and relax?
Ooh there’s a question! How long have you
got?! I really enjoy walking and cycling – I find exercise a great way to help
the mind to switch off. Food is a passion of mine (I am nearly always eating,
drinking, or thinking of the next meal!). But mostly I love spending time with
friends and family – usually over a meal! – and having a laugh. I try not to
take myself too seriously – laughter is the greatest medicine.
Who or
what inspires you?
I am inspired by the people I talk to every day
as part of my job; they come from a variety of backgrounds and are a range of
ages, but each and every one of them has experienced bullying, and are passionate
about stopping it happening to others. If I feel low on a particular day, and I
get one of those calls, it reinvigorates me and reminds me of the amazing
strength we all have within us.
Donate directly on Bullying UK website here

Read more:
Q&A with Ann Giles - Bullying UK