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Q&A with Mel Wells

Posted: by Jo Tuesday, 31 July 2018 @ 13:57

Mel Wells with Jo Stroud

This year, in our quest to step up and be our best selves, we wanted to learn from truly remarkable women, to see if they have a mantra they live their life by, and to understand what drives them.

We are very excited to talk to Mel Wells for our series of talks with truly inspiring women. Mel is a bestselling author, TEDx speaker, and health and eating psychology coach. We have recently collaborated with Mel on two Mantra necklaces, which have just launched.

Read more about our collaboration and see the designs here | Take a look at the gallery/as seen on Mel Wells | Buy Mel Wells' necklaces here

Mel helps women transform their relationship with food and themselves, to become the best version of themselves possible. Mel dedicates her time to helping women worldwide ditch the dieting for good, make peace with food, and love themselves. She coaches women via her books, her online academy, and luxury Goddess Retreats all over the world. 

Originally, Mel was an actress, best known for her part in Hollyoaks. After healing her own battles with eating disorders, Mel used this as a catalyst to completely change the course of her life.

Mel’s first book, ‘The Goddess Revolution’, helped women all over the world readdress their relationship with food, and with themselves; and go on to create truly fulfilling, enriched lives, falling in love with themselves more than they thought possible. Her new book, ‘Hungry for More’, launched last month, and is a call to those who want to go deeper into those hidden messages around food and cravings, and in doing so, unlock a gateway to limitless personal and spiritual growth.

So – I was very keen to find out from Mel if she has a mantra for her life; and what motivates her.


Do you have a mantra you live your life by?

Yes, it’s a quote from Joan of Arc - “I am not afraid. I was born to do this”.

What do you think gave you the drive and determination to succeed?

My parents have always led me to believe that, with hard work, determination and self-belief, I can do anything I want. I value growth, so am always pushing myself to get out of my comfort zone!

How important have role models been to you?

Extremely. It is important to surround yourself with people you look up to and are inspired by. 

When you were young, who were your role models or people you truly admired?

Honestly?! Geri Halliwell mainly - I was obsessed! 

15% off Be Fearless Necklace

And as your entrepreneurial career has progressed - who inspires you now?

Tony Robbins, Gabrielle Bernstein, Marianne Williamson, Marie Forleo.

And who, now, would you say is an inspiring figure on the world stage?

Tony Robbins, for sure.


Mel’s Mantra  

We have picked the Mantra necklace that best represents what inspires and motivates Mel.

We have chosen, ‘Be Fearless’, which has the mantra, ‘I am fearless and therefore powerful’, which captures the spirit of Mel’s favourite quote.  

This month, buy 'Be Fearless' at 15% off.

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