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Q&A: Julie Montagu

Posted: by Pallavi Wednesday, 3 January 2018 @ 12:04

Inspired to be my best self: role models and heroes

This year, in our quest to step up and be our best selves, we wanted to learn from truly remarkable women, to see if they have a mantra they live their life by; and to find out what motivates them.

We are so excited to hear from Julie Montagu, a woman who inspires us on a daily basis. Julie is a yoga instructor, healthy food writer and published author, described as ‘one of the top 10 holistic healers in the world’ by Cosmopolitan. 

We are currently working on a jewellery collaboration with Julie - find out more here.

An American who married into the British aristocracy, when she met and fell in love with the heir to the Earl of Sandwich, not knowing who he was; four children to bring up; and then a truly challenging period in their lives, when Julie had to become a one-woman entrepreneur overnight. 

Interview with Julie Montagu

With a new book out dedicated to self-care, focused on the importance of investing in yourself, if you are to be strong enough to look after others; and an extremely busy year ahead of yoga teaching, running retreats and several new projects, it’s amazing that Julie has also managed to find the time to agree to be a guest presenter for the Royal Wedding in May! As an American who has integrated easily into British society, Julie has been in huge demand as a commentator on what Meghan Markle will need to know. 

So – we are very excited to hear from Julie about her mantra for life, and what motivates her. 

Do you have a mantra that you live your life by?

I do - 'She needed a hero, so that's what she became.' Sometimes in life, we have to step up and be our own hero.

What do you think gave you the drive and determination to succeed?

Growing up in America, you are told you can be anything you want to be, do anything you want to do, if you just work hard.  And this was instilled in me by both my mother and my father at a young age and it’s stayed with me ever since. I’ve always believed that life is one big opportunity – it’s up to you take it or leave it. 

How important have role models been to you?

I love the ‘American Dream’ – and so the role models to me have been those who have done just that: had a dream, worked hard, believed in themselves, learned from their mistakes and never gave up.  When I read about those stories, it makes me even more determined. 

When you were young, do you remember having role models or people you truly admired?

Yes!  Oprah Winfrey!  As cheesey as that may sound to some, I grew up with Oprah ever since she started on our local Chicago channel and before she became BIG! My mom and I once went to one of her tapings of The Oprah Show and even though I didn’t get to officially meet her, I could FEEL her energy in the room and the way she just made people light up.  I remember thinking, I want to do the same – light people up.

And as your entrepreneurial career has progressed - who inspires you now?

Of course, it’s still Oprah but Brene Brown has become a huge inspiration. Her TED talks and her books, in particular ‘Daring Greatly’ and ‘Rising Strong’.  Wonderful, inspiring reads for anyone who wants to start believing in themselves and their unique gifts to the world. 

And who, now, would you say is an inspiring figure on the world stage?

Michelle Obama – still hoping she will be our first woman President! 


The mantra that really sums up Julie's attitude, and that of her role models, is: ‘All things are possible if you believe.’

Believe Bar Necklace

Come back next month to read an interview with another incredible woman, and find out who truly inspires them.

Read more:


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