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#mybestself authenticity

Posted: by Jo Friday, 23 June 2017 @ 13:52

Be your authentic selfbe the best version of you mantra lotus jewellery

This month, our focus is authenticity. A watchword of the social media generation, as people ask how they know if the life someone presents on Instagram or Facebook is genuine, real, authentic? Or just a pretence?

We are bombarded with images of the perfect life. We all suffer from FOMO, as we worry about why our own lives aren't quite so picture perfect. But we all know, deep down, that these perfect lives don’t really exist in the real world.

So, what does it really mean, to be authentic?

she who is brave is free mantra jewellery feather necklaceTrue authenticity means not pretending to be something you're not. It means being open, honest, and real. It means admitting mistakes; saying what you think; standing up for what you believe in; and letting people see the real you.

It doesn't mean you can't present your best self, however. You don't have to show everyone, everything, in a 'warts and all' way. It is human nature to want to look our best in a photo, or be on our best behaviour when we want to make a good impression.

But it's about being true to yourself, when it matters. And that takes courage and self-confidence.

So, this month, we want you to catch yourself out, when you are being inauthentic.

Notice when you express an opinion that you don't agree with, just to fit in. Pay attention to the shots you post on social media, that don't quite tell the whole story. Be aware of the small untruths you encourage, to make your life seem just that little bit more perfect. And fight against them!

Share your stories and pictures with us, of who is the real you? The authentic, genuine, natural, honest and beautiful person that you are. Read our blogs about finding true authenticity in your life, and download our planner here, and be brave enough to be your authentic self, this and every month.

Because, as one of our favourite mantras says, “She who is brave is free.”


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