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my best self april empowerment

Posted: by Jo Wednesday, 22 March 2017 @ 16:08

So, how did you get on in March, being your most appreciative self? Hopefully, spending some time really thinking about what we have to be grateful for in life has made each of us a little more appreciative of what we do have, and how lucky we are; and made us more understanding of what others don’t have. Let’s carry that gratitude forwards in our lives, every day.

In April, we want to focus on power. Feeling empowered means feeling in control. Feeling confident. Feeling strong. Feeling like you have the autonomy and authority to act. Making the most of your potential.

Female empowerment has come into focus with International Women’s Day last month. The high number of women even in this country who do not feel empowered; who still experience their working life in a male-dominated environment, where women do not have the same opportunities enjoyed by men. And when you look at developing countries and disadvantaged communities, this lack of empowerment becomes even more acute.

Even where we don’t experience this lack of female empowerment in our everyday lives, we can still often feel afraid, or nervous, or lacking in confidence. Our power is diminished and our potential unfulfilled, when we don’t take chances, or step up bravely to accept new opportunities; or we stay too safely in our comfort zone.

So this month is about each of us experiencing power and confidence, in a way that takes us outside our norm.

For me, I am focusing on strength and power in my body: running the London Marathon, and aiming to feel strong, fit and invincible, to carry me through 26 miles.

Physical strength gives us emotional and mental strength. Feeling my body fit, healthy and strong definitely makes me feel more powerful, confident and in control.

But for you, it might be trying something new. Taking on new responsibilities. Volunteering to do something you haven’t done before. Taking the lead. Being the one in charge. Leading a project or organising a campaign. Stepping up in a way you haven’t done before.

Let’s all find a way this month of experiencing our power in a different way. And by doing so, we can become role models for other women.

Empowerment is about feeling powerful ourselves; but also, about helping and supporting other women who don’t have the same opportunities or strength as ourselves. Let’s make this month, and every month going forwards, one of empowerment for women everywhere.

Here are some words from two very inspiring women:

Malala Yousafzai

‘I raise up my voice – not so I can shout, but so those without a voice can be heard… We cannot succeed when half of us are held back.’

Sheryl Sandberg

‘Men still run the world; I’m not sure it’s going so well.’

Read more words from inspirational women here: Marie Claire, 28 quotes from women who kick ass

Now, your turn. Make a plan of what you are going to do to feel your power. Work out what might stop you; and create some actions to overcome any hurdles.

Let us know how you get on, and share your stories with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Download your April planner here, and read our other EMPOWERMENT blogs here.

And if you are doing a physical challenge, like me – tell yourself often, ‘The body achieves what the mind believes’.


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