Posted: Thursday, 23 August 2018 @ 12:20
How can you have a more mindful autumn?
As Autumn approaches, and the thought of shorter days and gloomier weather looms, it can be easy to feel a little run-down. But let's keep in mind that Autumn is one of the most beautiful times of
year. As F Scott Fitzgerald put it, "Life
starts all over again when it gets crisp in the Fall."
Lets make sure we enjoy everything this season has to offer, from the beauty of
the natural world to quality time spent with loved ones.
Here are our tips to stay mindful this Autumn, plus some mantras to keep you on track...
Go for a Walk

With leaves changing colour and fluttering from the trees,
Autumn is one of the nicest times of year to go for a walk. You
can visit your local park, or even go for a hike if you’re feeling more venturous. Take your camera to capture the season’s beautiful skies, misty landscapes and the rich ambers and fiery reds of Autumn
leaves. There is so much to appreciate, take a moment to feel grateful for all that you have.

Embrace Nature

Bring the outdoors indoors to create a feeling of oneness
with nature and the changes occurring. This doesn’t have to be a full home renovation, you can celebrate nature with an autumn wreath or by collecting pinecones and conkers or a bowl of seasonal fruits and vegetables. Be aware of these beautiful things around you that come with the changing season and think of the positive changes you've made this year.

Celebrate Bonfire Night

Don’t be disheartened by the evenings drawing in sooner.
Enjoy the magic of Autumn nights by planning for Guy Fawkes. Start researching now, to plan where you're going to enjoy the fireworks and who with. Let yourself
be wowed by the dazzle and colour of fireworks as they explode in the sky, enjoy
the warmth of a bonfire on a cool evening, and take in the smoky scent of the
Autumn air. Bonfire displays are a perfect opportunity to spend time with loved ones.

Make time for you

Surround yourself with loved ones and your favourite things this season. Take pleasure in making your favourite home-cooked meal, get cosy by a
roaring fire or spending a night snuggled up in a blanket with a good book or

Sleep Well

Autumn is a time for rest, with much of the nation’s wildlife
going in to hibernation. Take a cue from the natural world, and make sure you
invest some time into getting your 8 hours’ sleep a night. Pay attention to your breathing,
and pay attention to how your body feels lying in bed, let go of the days distractions and sleep well.