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Mantras to Celebrate Life

Posted: by Jo Sunday, 15 May 2022 @ 10:03

There has never been a better time to celebrate life. We have come through a very challenging two years, and we, along with the rest of Europe, are still in a very difficult place because of Russia's actions, and the cost of living crisis. But let’s make sure we take a moment to acknowledge how amazing life is, and to celebrate all that is good and positive in our lives. Let’s feel happy, thankful, grateful and appreciative – and let’s celebrate life itself.

Here are our favourite Mantras of Celebration:


I do more than live life. I celebrate it.
I do more than Live Life. I celebrate it

Let’s not go through life on autopilot. Let’s not take things for granted. Let’s not fail to notice things, because we are in too much of a hurry. Let’s do more than live our lives. Let’s be bolder, brighter, happier, more engaged, more aware, more enthusiastic, more energetic. Let’s celebrate life!


If not now, when?
If not now, when?

A brilliant mantra to remind us to make the most of life. None of us know what is around the corner, so let’s make the most of today. Do things now, rather than putting them off to the future. See this as a gentler version of Roman poet, Horace’s famous injunction to seize the day – ‘Carpe Diem’.  


Do more of what makes you happy
mantra happiness quote

A mantra to remind us that we are in control of our own actions, our own activities, and our own state of mind. If we know what the things are that make us happy, and we prioritise them, and plan our free time around them – then we can build far more happiness into our lives. Use this mantra to urge you to really prioritise the things in life that bring you joy.


I shine brightly. My potential is infinite
mantra samantha hearne quote

A mantra of self-belief and motivation, this mantra encourages us all to see and recognise our strengths, and appreciate what big opportunities are out there for us. A belief in the potential of life is one of the great positive drivers of humanity, as we look forwards with hope and excitement. Summon your own self-belief and ignite the fire within you, with this powerful mantra urging you to get out there and shine your light.


I choose hope on this journey
mantra lighthouse hope quote

We know that life isn't perfect. We all have hardships and tragedies and sadness to face at various points in our lives. And we all know that our life will end at some stage. But let’s travel this life with optimism and hope, choosing positivity as our companion rather than negativity and darkness. A mantra that reminds us that we have a choice, in how we approach our lives: let’s embrace life with a positive mindset and a hopeful disposition.


Fill the world with sunshine every day
mantra sunshine quote

A reminder that it is within our control to be happy and upbeat, and to spread positivity and joy. Think before you speak – and make your comments positive and helpful, not negative. Don’t spread bad news stories or negative opinions. Go out of your way to find nice things to say, and aim to be the person who brings lightness, laughter and love to the situation or the room. That is the best way to celebrate life.


Today, I will see all the beauty in my life
mantra daisy necklace quote

A reminder to consciously look out for moments of happiness and joy in every day, and notice the good things - to make your life happier. Happiness is often the accumulation of several small moments, rather than one big bang of joy – and it is up to us to be open to these moments. Rather than rushing through life on autopilot, we need to take the time to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us, and notice the small things that make us smile.


Surrender to the festival of life
mantra surrender to the festival of life

I love this mantra as a reminder to let go and just go with the flow. Stop trying to control all aspects of your life, and second guess the outcome of each event or situation. Let go of expectations, let go of control – and just enjoy what life brings you.  


I hold onto hope, I trust in tomorrow
mantra hope necklace NHS charity quote

Another brilliant reminder to try to adopt a positive and optimistic attitude to life. If we can find a way of hanging onto positive emotions like hope, trust, faith, belief and excitement, our lives will be better for it. Living our lives from a place of optimism and hope makes for a happier and lighter life than one where our dominant emotions are mistrust, fear and negativity. Even if we are sometimes disappointed in life, the good emotions will far outweigh the bad.


Use our Celebration Mantras to remind you to engage fully in life, and meet the events of your life with as much gratitude, lightness and optimism as you can. The world is a place of love, beauty, kindness and hope – if we look for it – so focus your attention on the wonder of life. Of course there are times and places of darkness, sadness and despair too, but let’s celebrate the positives.

Jo xx  


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