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Mantras for Relaxing

Posted: by Jo Monday, 12 April 2021 @ 09:46

As the world opens up again and we return to a more normal lifestyle, life is starting to be busy again; roads and carparks are starting to fill with traffic; more and more people are out and about in our towns and cities; and our slower pace of life through lockdown will soon be lost.

How do we hang onto that stillness, that quietness, that sense of calm, that many of us found in lockdown, and loved? How do we stop the return of stress, impatience, and hurriedness? How retain that still quiet part of ourselves, that was the best of lockdown? 

Here are some mantras to channel that relaxed frame of mind, to help you escape back into those moments of peace and calm. Try to hang onto that sense of space and freedom, as you go back about your daily life.  

Be still, be present, be mindful 

Be still, be present, be mindful

A mantra to bring us into the present moment, and encourage us to focus on the here and now. Don’t worry about what the future holds. Don’t fret about the past. Just be still and calm, and be right here, in the present moment.  

Peace comes from within 

Peace comes from within

Wherever you are looking for peace – the only place to find it is within yourself. Peace of mind comes from having a calm approach to life, and accepting the things we cannot change. Rather than fighting against what happens to us in life, accept it for what it is. Change what we do not like and have some influence over; accept what we can’t change.  

Today, I will breathe deeper. Exhale slower. Find the stillness within me 

Today, I will breathe deeper. Exhale slower. Find the stillness within me

A great calming mantra, if you find the return to a busier form of life a little stressful at first. Slow down your breathing, and find that still, quiet part of yourself that is hidden deep inside, unaffected by the busy-ness around you. 

May my life be filled with serenity and peace 

May my life be filled with serenity and peace

An invocation for calm and peace in your life, as opposed to stress, worry and busy-ness. The challenges of life are easier to handle when we are calm and at peace with ourselves and the world.  

Surrender to the festival of life 

Surrender to the festival of life

See life as an ever-changing festival that carries you along with it. Rather than trying to control things – why not relax into it and let life bring you what you need? It is a relief sometimes in life to let go of the need to control and manage everything. So much is out of our control – so why relax and not enjoy the ride? 

Everything I need is already within me 

Everything I need is already within me

A great mantra to remind yourself that all the happiness and talent and skill that you need in life already exists, deep inside you. We learn from others, of course, but it is our own innate strengths and individual qualities that will bring us ultimate happiness in life. What we are today has been created by all the experiences we have been through so far – so trust that you have absorbed those lessons and have all that you need inside you.  


Now that we are through the worst of this crisis, and life is getting back to normal – let’s hang onto the relaxed and calm state of mind that the ‘great pause’ of lockdown created for many of us. Go back out into the world with a renewed sense of peace of mind, a calmness of spirit, and an embracing of a slower pace of life.  

Jo xx 




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