Posted: by Jo Wednesday, 1 December 2021 @ 16:50
A second year has been dramatically
affected by Covid, so 2021 was not quite the year of freedom and normality that
we all hoped it would be! All the more reason to look forward to 2022, as we
move forwards with a more realistic, but still hopeful, outlook.
Here are my mantras to kick
2022 off in the right frame of mind, and to carry us through a year that will
no doubt have its challenges, but also, some real positives that we can create
for ourselves.
the waves of change, I find my new direction

A lot of has changed over
these last two years. Things that were changing already, but at a slower pace -
like the acceptance of working from home, or the explosion in e-commerce; and
things that we didn’t predict, like the devastation to large parts of the
economy, and the forced career and job changes for so many. If you are one of
the many affected by unexpected change – trust that a new direction will emerge
from these changes, that will be right for you and right for this time in your
not now, when?

This mantra is along the
same lines as that well known Latin phrase, ‘Carpe Diem’ – seize the day. It
asks us why we are procrastinating or putting things off: what is stopping us
from doing what we want to do in life? A lot of people have already taken this
message to heart, post-pandemic, making decisions to change their lives or quit
their jobs. What are you putting off, that you could be doing? And if you don’t
do it now, then when will you? Go into 2022 using this mantra as a gentle nudge
to do the things you want to do – now.
trust life to help me find what I need

We don’t always know what we
need or want in life, but we can spend a lot of time fretting about it. This is
a mantra of trust, that puts your faith in life itself – the universe, God, a
higher power – to help you. It’s not going to do it for you, but it is going to
support you in your quest. So, let’s go into 2022 with trust and faith that
things will work out for us, and that we will find what we need in life.
open myself up to life’s mysteries

I love this mantra. It is
the mantra for our new Crown Chakra, and I wrote it to encourage us all to be
more open-minded and free-spirited. There are so many things in life that we
don’t fully understand; and we often don’t try new things because we don’t
understand them, or we question their value. I think 2022 is time to add some
magic back into our lives, and embrace the unknown.
speak with kindness, I listen with compassion

If nothing else, the
pandemic has taught us to show more compassion to the people around us. It’s a
truism to say that we never truly know what is going on in other people’s lives
– and never has this been brought more vividly to life than these last two
years. People have lost loved ones; lost livelihoods; worked all hours;
suffered from physical or mental health issues; been lonely, angry, scared or worried;
while the pandemic raged. Much of this is hidden from us in day-to-day life.
Speak kindly. Listen compassionately. We are all human.
is better with you in it
and friendship are two of the most important things in life, that can make a
substantial and positive difference to our lives. Who makes your life so much
better, just by being there? The pandemic has reminded us to value the people
in our lives even more that we ever did. Let’s go through 2022 with a real
sense of gratitude for the people in our lives.
am safe, happy and loved

This mantra is from our new
children’s collection, but it is just as appropriate for us grown-ups!
Sometimes, all we need to do is to reassure ourselves that we are OK – we are
safe, we are happy, we are loved. If we are fortunate enough in life to have a
loving family or a loving partner, and to live in a safe and secure household –
we are luckier than many other people in life. Let’s remind ourselves of what
we have, for we have all that we need to be happy.
am grounded, centred, connected

Imagine the feeling that
comes from planting your feet firmly on the ground, and feeling rooted to the
earth. Try to carry this feeling with you as you go about your day, to keep a
calm and steady outlook on life. It will help you not to overreact to things in
the moment, or to feel stressed and rushed. A great mantra to come back to
throughout the year, to keep you feeling steady.
May luck and laughter light your days, and love and hope be with you

A happy, optimistic and
heart-warming mantra to wish for a friend or loved one. No matter how hard the
past two years have been – with love and hope, there is always something to
look forward to. Let’s wish for lighter, happier times, with laughter, good
fortune and fun times with the people we love. Let’s try to leave some of the
fear, worry and seriousness of the last two years behind, and move into 2022
with a lightness of spirit.

2020 and 2021 did not go as
anyone planned, so there is a good chance that 2022 won’t either! We will face
tough times and uncertainty – as we do every year. But if we go into the year
with a spirit of open-mindedness, an open heart, and a feeling of faith and
trust in the future – then we will be well placed to handle whatever comes our
Here’s to a year filled with
love and hope!
Jo xx