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Woman who...Achieves Awards Sponsorship

Posted: by Pallavi Friday, 23 February 2018 @ 14:22

Mantra is Sponsoring Woman who...Achieves Awards

This year, Mantra is sponsoring the ‘Woman Who...Achieves’ awards for the first time.

The winners of the 16 awards will each receive a bespoke Mantra necklace as part of their award. This is a Sterling Silver disc pendant, inscribed with the powerful word, ‘Inspire’ on the front, above our iconic lotus, and with ‘Woman Who...Achieves 2018’ engraved on the reverse.

The mantra is both a call to action, and a promise: 'Let me inspire others, as they inspire me'.

We decided to sponsor these fantastic awards, because they go to the heart of what Mantra stands for. Awarded to successful and up-and-coming businesswomen and women in education and training, they particularly look out for women who inspire other women. Mantra is all about inspiration, motivation and self-belief, so we love the ethos behind these awards.

‘Woman who...’ now has a wider remit, with networking events taking place throughout the year. The sharing of stories by women in business is a key objective, enabling others to learn from, and be inspired by, the challenges women have faced and overcome.

Mantra founder, Jo Stroud, is speaking at the 2018 Awards’ launch on Thursday March 8th - International Women’s Day. Jo will be talking about her business journey, in the context of IWD’s 2018 campaign to #pressforprogess.

Sandra Garlick, founder of the awards and network, said, “I am delighted to be working with Mantra Jewellery, as it’s such an inspiring brand. It’s great when I see the winners wearing their Mantra necklace.”

Find out more about ‘Woman Who..’. here,and about our brand collaboration here.


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