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Jo's Journal - July 2022

Posted: Monday, 20 June 2022 @ 16:08

So, this is a very unusual journal that I am writing, as it is a time of real change here at Mantra.  

Six years after we launched the brand, it is time for me to step back from it, and pass it onto new ownership.   

I have loved every minute of creating and running Mantra Jewellery, along with my other brand, Fabulous.

Mantra was born out of a passionate belief in the power of words – their power to motivate, inspire, uplift and change our behaviour. And my belief that jewellery is the very best way of carrying those inspiring words with us.

That belief hasn’t changed, and I also believe that we have created a strong and powerful brand that will continue for many years to come, bringing inspiration and joy to thousands more people.

However, Mantra now needs to be part of a business which can invest in its growth, and help to raise awareness of it amongst new customers. And it needs to be more widely distributed, so that it can be found on a high street nearby, not just online.

For this reason, ownership of the Mantra brand is transferring to a very good friend of mine, who owns a number of independent jewellery stores. I have known him for 17 years – since I started in the jewellery industry – and know that he will take very good care of the brand.

A new company is being set up – Mantra Jewellery Ltd – to take the brand forwards, and ownership of all Mantra assets will pass to this company. All intellectual property, stock, data, and other assets will transfer to this new company, but the day-to-day operation of the Mantra brand and website will not change.

One of my team who has worked on the Mantra brand since its beginning, and was an integral part of its creation, will continue to work on the brand, bringing continuity and knowledge.

I would like to thank all of our lovely customers for their loyalty and trust over all these years, and hope that you will continue to support Mantra for many years to come.

For me personally, I am not sure what is next. I was lucky enough in June to take a few days’ holiday to the South of France, over the Jubilee weekend, where I visited a few art galleries and enjoyed the blue skies and sunshine. I am looking forward to having more time in my life for art and books, and I will keep an open mind about what I do next, trusting that life will help me find what I need.

Jo - South of France

Well, that’s me signing off now, and I’d like to send you all lots of love and gratitude.

Jo xxx  

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