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How can I boost my energy in Winter?

Posted: by Sinade Tuesday, 19 September 2023 @ 13:40

Mantras to help boost your energy this winter!

As we get ready for the clocks to change, we want to help you increase your energy now the days are getting shorter. We’ve put together our favourite mantras to encourage you to do just that...

Mantra Lotus

When do the clocks change?

The clocks change back to GMT on Sunday 27th October. This is so we can make use of the daylight available to us through the rest of autumn and winter.  

How can I boost my energy?

Soak up the Sun

 Soak up as much Vitamin D as you can! Open your curtains and blinds to let the light in and spend time outdoors where you can and to make the most of the daylight hours. Vitamin D effects the production of Melatonin which plays a big part in your sleep cycles.

Sun Mantra


Dopamine Dressing

Have your tried dopamine dressing? It is the idea of wearing bright colours and patterns that make us happy. So ditch the all black attire and neutral tones this season and opt for clothing and accessories that make you smile! 

Sunflower Mantra


  Sleep Tight

Sleep is an important part of our life all year round. As I mentioned earlier, the reduced light can cause us to feel more sluggish during the darker, colder months. Aim to get the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep each night, to help make you feel refreshed when you wake.

Renewal Mantra


Move your body

Although it may sound strange, when feeling tired or sluggish, but exercise has been found to increase your energy levels. Move your body however you enjoy most and release those endorphins!

Body and Mind Mantra


Spend time with family and friends

It can be so easy to go into hibernation mode once the dark evenings and bad weather kicks in. It has been proven that spending time with loved ones boosts our mood, so get some plans in the diary, to get you out the house and in the company of great people.

Sunflower Mantra


Find a better balance

The months leading up to Christmas can be come stressful and hectic for many of us. When feeling like this try setting your priorities in order of importance and focus on those. Then cut out the tasks that simply aren’t necessary.

Balance Mantra


If any of these ideas have inspired you, click the mantra to reveal the jewellery that brings it to life.

Hold onto it through the day and bring the mantra to mind, whenever you need a reminder of its message.


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