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Find your mantra quiz

Posted: by Rhian Friday, 10 February 2017 @ 15:24

Take our mantra quiz to find the perfect mantra for you at this time in your life. Come back and try next month, next week or tomorrow to see how your mind-set has changed...


1. Where will you focus your attention most this month?

a) I’ll be putting together my dream destination list for the year

b) Unapologetically investing in some quality ‘me time’

c) I’ll be focusing on my work-life

d) I’ll spend more time with the ones I love

2. Which of these images speaks to you?

3. You’re stuck in a traffic jam, where does your mind take you?

a) To my upcoming adventures, or places I’d love to visit

b) I stay in the present and appreciate the world around me

c) I get frustrated, and focus on all the things I need to get done

d) To my partner; or my family and friends

4. What is your stress killer?

a) Reading, researching, planning

b) Movement – yoga, pilates, a long walk – and thinking time

c) Vigorous exercise – boxercise, running, weights

d) A long chat and a hug

5. What is your greatest strength?

a) My lust for life and adventurous nature

b) My positive outlook on life

c) Determination and vigour

d) Giving and receiving love


Mostly a – Direction and Dreams: ‘Go confidently in the direction of your dreams’

You naturally think of travel plans, or reminisce about the amazing adventures you’ve been on. You have an adventurous spirit and are always planning how to make the most out of life. Exploring new ideas or visiting new places fills you with inspiration. Wear your ‘Direction and dreams’ mantra to focus your attention on what makes you happiest – wanderlust.



Mostly b - Happiness and Wellbeing: ‘May my body be strong, my heart wild and my spirit free’

You feel joy and happiness deeply, and you know that this comes from feeding your mind, body and soul. You love seeking out nourishing recipes, are always up for an exercise or wellbeing class, and make sure you get fresh air, and quality alone time. Wear your ‘Strong, wild, free’ mantra to celebrate your dedication to being your strongest self.



Mostly c - Inspiration and Self-belief: ‘She who is brave is free’

You have incredible mental strength, energy and focus. You’re fearless – quite the lioness - and you embrace challenge with enthusiasm. You are a strong individual who believes you make your own luck. Wear your inspiration and self-belief mantra, ‘She who is brave is free’, as a positive reminder of all you have created and achieved.



Mostly d – Love: ‘My heart is full of love’

The magic of life is in giving and receiving love for you. You prioritise your relationships, and look forward to time with both family and friends. You wear your heart on your sleeve, and are always the one people to turn to for support and friendship. Wear your ‘love’ mantra to remind you how much you are loved, and that all the love you throw out is reflected straight back to you. 

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