
Donna - My Mantra Story

Since launching my business, WILDWOMAN, which is all about empowering women I felt drawn to the mantra ‘Strong women: may we know them, may we raise them, may we be them’.

"Empowered Women, Empower Women" is one of my favourite quotes too, so it felt like the most natural choice. The message is a reminder to me that I am a strong woman. To not lose sight of why I started. To focus on what I’m good at. It’s been particularly helpful on those long, long nights getting ready for launch when I’m feeling tired. The lotus symbol has a very personal meaning to me - as does the symbol of a lion. I consider myself a lioness! A WILDWOMAN!

I haven’t taken my necklace off since I received it. It’s a constant reminder of the incredible journey I am on whenever I see my reflection or even as my necklace catches my eye when I have my head down whilst working. I’m a big believe in affirmations and my necklace reminds me to repeat ‘I am Strong’, even on those down days. It’s incredibly powerful!


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