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Choosing and using a mantra

Posted: by Jo Tuesday, 20 March 2018 @ 18:04

Mantras should always be phrased in the positive - to encourage you to be your best self, not to criticise you for being your worst.

Come up with a short sentence that you can remember, that will act as a prompt. You want it to be a few words of wisdom that remind or instruct you to behave in a particular way, think in a particular way, or change something about how you usually react to a situation.

Read some of our suggestions here, to give you some ideas. You can also work through our ‘Find your mantra’ workbook. Some of my favourites are:

‘Be still, be calm, be mindful’

‘Stay in the present’

‘If it doesn’t challenge me, it doesn’t change me’

‘Fill the world with sunshine'

‘When life pulls me back, aim forwards’

Once you have your phrase – you can say it out loud, or repeat it quietly to yourself.

I suggest saying your mantra to yourself first thing in the morning, to set your intention for the day. Repeat it at various times through the day, when your energy or positivity start to flag. Say it to yourself a few times when you face a challenging situation.

To remind you of your mantra through the day, have it written somewhere that catches your eye – on a post-it note, poster or screensaver, for example. Personally, I need a tangible reminder of my mantra throughout the day, otherwise I can too easily go through life on auto-pilot.

Our long ‘myMantra’ pendants allow you to have your own personal mantra engraved on the back. This enables you to catch sight of, and hold onto, the necklace throughout the day, which reminds you of your mantra. But you might prefer a different mechanism: a tattoo; a note in your phone; a sticker on your notepad.

Find out more about: what is a mantra; how to create a mantra for happiness; how to create a power mantra; how to create a mantra for now; and how to create a mantra for life.

See our personalised 'my Mantra' collection, to have your own mantra engraved on a necklace.


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