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Calming mantras for anxiety

Posted: by Rhian Tuesday, 4 April 2017 @ 14:29

If you suffer from anxiety or know someone who does, you’ll know that the symptoms of this condition can rise in the most unlikely or often most inappropriate scenarios and take hold. Having suffered from anxiety over the last 10 years I have developed coping strategies to deal with it.

If I’m having an anxious period then I will focus on my breathing and read mantras that calm me down. Not only do the quotes help me, but the fact that they exist mean I’m not alone and not the only person feeling this way. Feeling the piece of jewellery reminds me of the mantra, helps me to breathe and focus on a more calm outlook. Exercise is also a great help for me and a way to burn of that anxious energy, as well as talking to someone who understands what I'm going through. 

Combining these tactics help me move out of anxiety and in to calm, I really hope they can for you too.

Here are some calming mantras to keep you grounded…


I feel calm, safe and grounded - My anchor holds despite the storms

Along with the mantras the symbol of the anchor is a really positive sign for me, picture its strength and keeping you tied down

When life pulls you back, aim forward

This is a great mantra to visualise your emotions moving over you. You’ve been here before and you got through it, you will again

I am fearless & therefore powerful

Sometimes you have to fake it before you make it. Recite this fearless mantra to believe in your ability to change your mind-set and remember that’s all it is, it’s in your mind.

Let go of the past & the past will let go of you

The great Lao Tzu quote ‘If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present’ this quote really helps me to centre and stay there

She who I brave is free

It’s tiring, it can be embarrassing, it can be hard to explain. You’re a warrior for putting up with anxiety, you are brave, you are free. It doesn't control you, you control it

Sky above me, earth beneath me, fire inside me

Used in yoga it reminds you of the grounding of the earth beneath your feet, the openness of the sky above your head and the energy inside you. A great mantra to use while practising some breathing techniques

I hope one or all of these mantras resonated with you, if none of them did I hope this blog acted as a reminder that you’re not suffering alone. For information on anxiety and mental health visit mind – to talk to someone 24/7 contact Samaritans here 


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