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5 Motivational Mantras for the Leap Year

Posted: by Sinade Tuesday, 16 January 2024 @ 11:09

As 2024 is a leap year we’re focusing on that word ‘leap’. We’ve put together our five most motivational mantras to give you some Leap Year inspiration and encourage you to finally take the leap towards the life you want to live...


Be Fearless Necklace

1. I leap fearlessly towards the life I want to live

A reminder to be confident in your desire for a different life, and bold in taking action to create that life. You could look back on 2024 as the year you finally did it!


arrow necklace

2. When life pulls you back, aim forwards

Have you suffered a previous set back that has knocked your confidence? Remember that just as an arrow needs to first be pulled back before it can soar forward, we too need to push ourselves forward and remain in the path we want to be on, even when obstacles in life have held us back.


Mountain Necklace

3. I can, and I will

A manta to remove doubt and remind you of your determination and resilience to succeed. Whatever summit you face you can and will scale it! Remember this triumphant mantra when you do.


Plume Necklace

4. She who is brave is free

This is an empowering reminder that we are in charge of our own destiny. When you find the courage to step out of your comfort zone you open your life up to more beautiful and exciting opportunities.


Believe Necklace

5. Believe in yourself. We do.

A lack of self-belief or fear of failure can hold us back from doing something we’d really love. Know that all your family and friends are behind you every step of the way and will always be there to cheer you on and show support.

Mantra Lotus

Each of these motivational mantras is brought to life by a beautiful piece of jewellery. A wearable reminder of its encouraging words to inspire you on your new adventure.

Believe Necklace

Feeling inspired? You can see all of our self-belief jewellery here!

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Mantra Arrow Necklace


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