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5 Autumn Mantras

Posted: by Pallavi Wednesday, 22 August 2018 @ 13:07

Who doesn't love Autumn? Comfy sweaters, warm drinks and pretty colours! It’s finally the season for those who enjoy fun foods, festivities and cooler weather.

Here are 5 Autumn mantras to get you started...

1. Changing colours, changing attitudes

It's a perfect excuse to start all over again, whether it be a new project, new venture, starting a new hobby or bringing some discipline into your lifestyle. Don't let the weather dull your shine! Go chase your dreams, whatever they may be.

Autumn Quote - Mantra Jewellery

2. Practise gratefulness

We had a great Summer this year, which gives up the perfect opportunity to be grateful to everything we have. Start and end your day, every day, being thankful to everything you are blessed with.

Grateful Quotes - Mantra Jewellery

3. Give generously

The International Day of Charity is observed annually on 5 September. Why wait for Christmas when the joy of giving can begin now?

The ‘Mantra Changes Lives’ initiative works with charities and not-for-profit organisations to create jewellery to raise funds, show support, and build awareness for important causes. 

We partner with charities that we believe are working hard to make the world a better place.  We create a mantra that links to their cause, and then design a beautiful piece of jewellery to bring it to life. 

We donate 25% of the selling price of that necklace to the charity. 

Help us to change someone’s life.  

Breast Cancer Haven Quote Bullying UK Quote Smart Works QuoteCare Intl Quote MIND Charity Quote Tress for Cities Charity Quote


4. Believe

It's also the season to go back to school or university. Believe and encourage belief. Let the new beginnings sow new hopes and dreams in you and your loved ones.

Believe Quotes - Mantra Jewellery

5. Be still, be present, be mindful

12th September is celebrated as Mindfulness Day, to raise awareness about the value and benefit mindfulness brings, and give individuals and communities the chance to experiment with and practise meditation. Take a moment to breathe, live in the moment and remember that peace comes from within.

Mindfulness Quotes - Mantra Jewellery




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